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What Does a Land Surveyor Do?


The services of a Professional Land Surveyor are essential to anyone involved in change of land use or a property transaction. The land surveyor works with developers, attorneys, professional engineers, fiscal agents, and others to ensure that your land investment is not jeopardized by a faulty land description. Understanding the practice of land surveying and its services will help to ensure that your property is protected and property recorded.

Creating the Future

Land surveyors have mapped much of the history of man’s use of the Earth. Today’s Professional Land Surveyor is equipped with many sophisticated surveying instruments and the knowledge and expertise to provide services for landowners, developers, industry and government. Professional Land Surveyors are called upon to perform unique roles – such as laying out a new highway or establishing property boundaries – knowing that future generations will relay on the quality of the work for centuries to come.

Services Provided by a Professional Land Surveyor

1. Subdivision design

2. Land Development design

3. Topographical Surveys

4. Boundary Surveys

5. Land title Surveys

6. Engineering Surveys

7. Zoning and Hearing Applications and Plans

8. Preparation of deed descriptions

9. GPS Control Surveys

Types of Surveys

Boundary Survey

A boundary retracement survey re-establishes the corners and boundary lines of an existing tract of land. An original boundary survey establishes the corners and boundary lines of new tracts of land as part of the process known as subdivision. Before a tract of land can be subdivided, its corners and boundary lines must be re-established.

Topographic Survey

A topographic survey displays the elevation and contours of the land and locates both natural and manmade features such as streams, woodlands and roads.

Land Title Survey

A boundary retracement survey or a land title survey is performed when purchasing title insurance to meet the specific requirements of the title insurance company. The land title survey shows detailed information resulting from survey and inspection and evidenced by public records.


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